Magazine Training International

Magazine Training International (MTI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging, strengthening, training, and providing resources to those involved in Christian magazine publishing in the Developing World as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ. We do this primarily through conferences and courses offered live throughout the world and through print and audio-visual resources, including DVD courses on magazine design and magazine management.

MTI has been active in Eastern Europe since 1989, in the countries of the former Soviet Union since 1996, and in Asia since 2000, providing consulting help and organizing more than 50 conferences on every facet of magazine publishing. Some 60 experienced publishing professionals from around the world have taught at MTI conferences in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, India, and the U.S.

More than 1,000 staff members of over 400 Christian magazines from some 50 countries have taken advantage of one or more of the conferences.

Our next conferences will be in Bangalore, India, October 8-2, 2012, and will include a Magazine Publishing Institute Oct. 8-12, a Digital Publishing Seminar Oct. 14-19, and a Communicating Through Comics Workshop Oct. 21-24, held in conjunction with Comix 35.

For information about Magazine Training International and upcoming conferences:

3 thoughts on “Magazine Training International

  1. and a Communicating Through Comics Workshop Oct. 21-24, held in conjunction with Comix 35.-

    Hi Sharon,

    This workshop sounds so exciting. My daughter Chitra Raj would love to enroll. How do we pay to book a place?

    Jeyanthi Manokaran

  2. Hi Jey,

    Keep checking our Web site for information as to when you can register. It would be a good idea to register early as possible because places will be limited. Nate, who leads the workshop, has taught comics all over the world and does a wonderful job. It’s going to be an exciting conference. I’m looking forward to seeing you again in Bangalore.

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